Chess Kings is the first Media, Entertainment and Gaming platform for chess players.
600 Million
Players Globally
The Most Intellectually Stimulating Game in the World
2 Thousand
Grandmasters Worldwide
Chess Kings Gaming
Coming in 2025, Chess Kings presents a gaming experience never seen before in chess. Our proprietary fantasy and peer to peer wagering platforms will introduce Chess players to an entirely new experience.
Chess Kings Media
Chess Kings TV brings chess into your home like never before. From professional tournaments featuring the world’s best, to the first unscripted TV show, CKTV will give you an inside look at the stars and culture of the world’s most popular game.

Chess Kings features some of the world’s most popular Grandmasters, Trash Talkers, Chess Boxers, Streamers and Prodigies.

Led by world famous Grandmaster Var Akobian, the Chess Kings consist of a well rounded cast of players from around the world.

Akobian is an Armenian born Grandmaster that is recognized as one of the top players in the world. Var won the World Open tournament in Philadelphia on three separate occasions in 2002, 2004 and 2007. Var is known as a great teacher of the game, and we affectionately consider him the “Yoda” of Chess Kings.
Var Akobian

Dina is a Russian born Women’s Grandmaster. Her mother taught her chess at 3 years old, and she began competing at age 5. Dina is recognized as one of the best in the world.
Dina Belenkaya

Boston Mike is known as the most notorious chess trash talker. Mike’s funny, lighthearted style has drawn over a hundred million views on YouTube. His personal story and background is attracting interest from documentary film makers.
Boston Mike

Kostya Kavutskiy is an American International Master, streamer and teacher. Kostya is one of the most popular young players and has made a name as the founder of ChessDojo, combining the discipline and grace of martial arts and chess. Kostya is also a streamer producing compelling chess content.
Kostya Kavutskiy

Bobby Czyz is a 3-time World Champion Boxer, Showtime Announcer and member of the Genius Organization Mensa.
Bobby Czyz

The experts are calling Elaynah the newest chess prodigy. Although she’s only been playing chess for less than 2 years, she’s on a fast track to become a Grandmaster, going from a rating off 900 to 1600 in only 9 months. As a streamer, she’s recognized for her unlimited talent. Elaynah is a player, cast member and a Chess Kings contributing journalist.
Celebrities, Streamers, and Boxers
Many high-profile celebrities and professional athletes love to play chess. In fact, Julia Roberts boasts an expert rating of 2057.
With limited media opportunities, chess streamers have become the stars of the game. Even the best players use social media and streaming to build their popularity and create revenue. Some, like the Botez Sisters, have become pop-culture influencers, while others use streaming to teach and give lessons to make a living.
Chess Boxing! Yes, it’s really a thing. Even well-known grandmasters have put on the gloves for a battle of brains and brawn. Combatants play alternating rounds of blitz chess and boxing until there’s a winner by checkmate or knockout.
Celebrity Chess


Chess Boxing